Tuesday, August 26, 2014


Someone today asked me for advice about making a decision. The decision to be with their current partner or to move on. The issues they were faced with were irreconcilable and to a large extent this was an inevitable end for the both of them and they knew this. But they both battled with the idea of letting go. Giving up on the familiar. This friend wondered if walking away from happiness does anyone any good. Are you going to be filled with regret and guilt? Pain almost always settles down like dust on old books but regret claws at you for years. The choice to either give up on love, a life you imagined was everything, or to try and salvage a sinking ship is always a tough one. The truth is not everyone wants what you want. And not everyone is going to get your dream. I know everyone tells you to keep at things, keep believing things will work out but all they are saying is choose happiness. Even it means packing your life in little trunks and moving to a new city, quitting a 9 to 5 job and starting something on your own or maybe picking up the phone and talking to that someone you haven't in a while. Life is sometimes a series of letting go's and not a series of let's make this work. I admire people that stick it out in jobs, relationships and situations for decades. But, I absolutely adore and love people that can pick up the pieces and start afresh. It takes more courage, mettle and gumption to say that ''Hello” after a sad “Goodbye”. You think you are stuck, nothing is working out? So, here's the new flash. That is okay. Happiness is a choice, isn't it? There are so many choices I could make, but only a few that I can’t not make. So make the choices that you cannot avoid. The ones that cause fire in your belly, the ones that light up your eyes when you talk about it, the ones that make you feel alive. In the end, remember, the most toxic, confusing, fulfilling and torrid love affair you will ever have in this lifetime is with yourself. Make it count. Choose the things that you can’t not choose.

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