Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Happiness is not a thing

One of my closest friend got married last week and I wrote this for her wedding. It got me thinking that I should put my positive thoughts down somewhere. There is enough pulling us down on a daily basis. So here's a shot of happiness for you from me everyday. :)

 For V, Happiness is not a thing. Don’t search so hard for this happiness thing. People will make you feel like it’s the sort of thing you discover like an epiphany. Happiness is tiny glimpses of “okays” that seep into rather ordinary days. It is bowls of ice cream on a cold wintery day. Dipping your bare feet into a clear ocean. It is finishing something you started and saw through, despite the challenges. Happiness it not giving up even when you thought it was over. Happiness is perfection, not in their eyes but in your eyes. When you find the edges of a circle you sketched on wet sand are soft enough. That is happiness. Because you made it happen, you completed it. Happiness is never overpowering or boisterous, it rarely makes a splash when it walks into a room. It sits perched on a comfy window sill wrapped up in a blanket. On most days, it is almost microscopic. It is shy, humble, invisible but constant like air, it works tirelessly to bring you to life, and never demands. And, if on some days you find that happiness isn’t there, don’t bully yourself. Remember we had our grey days so that the sun like ripe lemons could squeeze its way through those clouds. Sometimes you might not feel ready for this life. Not equipped , not prepared or enough. Not for yourself or for other people. But when someone wants to hold your hand. Not to fill you, fix you or complete you. Just to share you with yourself. Don’t say no. Being ready is not the point, being consumed to produce finished faces, ready and perfect moments in this lifetime is definitely not the point. Quiet moments that don’t need instagram filters, those make up your life. My wish for you is that you always choose life. Life that is filled with passion. Choose the people around your table. Choose the now. It’s precious, urgent and filled with surprises. Take risks, not just the calculated ones. Choose dishes left in the sink. Choose random chats at airports with strangers. Choose dancing under a starry night or a long drive to a place you have never been to. Choose the unknown, befriend it, be kind to it and make it your own. Remember to give happiness a decent shot— take a chance, like you did with me. Love, R August 20th, 2014

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